![tick-rutherford-county-tn ticks rutherford county tn](https://i0.wp.com/www.pyramidpestcontrol.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/tick-rutherford-county-tn.jpg?fit=760%2C480&ssl=1)
5 Common FAQs on Ticks
Q: What kinds of ticks are found in Rutherford County, Tennessee?
A: In Rutherford County, the two most common species of tick that you may encounter are deer ticks (Ixodes scapularis) and lone star ticks (Amblyomma americanum). Both species are reddish-brown or brownish-orange in color with darker legs and a unique body shape. Deer ticks typically reach about the size of a sesame seed before feeding, whereas lone star ticks turn slate gray after feeding.
Q: Where do I find ticks in my area?
A: Ticks tend to be more prevalent during warmer months. When they become more active and can be found in areas where there is a lot of vegetation. Such as tall grasses, shrubs, and wooded areas. These places provide a warm and humid environment for the adult female tick to lay eggs. Which then hatch into larval or nymphal stages depending on the species. The larval stage is particularly active during May while nymphal stages are more likely to be encountered from late June until early August.
Q: How can I protect myself from ticks?
A: The best way to protect yourself from tick bites is by using an insect repellent containing DEET or permethrin. When outdoors or near any vegetation known to harbor these pests. Additionally, wearing clothing that covers exposed skin like long sleeves and pants. Can help keep them away from your skin. Finally, inspect yourself for any attached ticks after being outdoors for extended periods of time. Be sure to carefully remove any that may have latched on to your body using tweezers as soon as possible.
Q: What type of diseases do ticks transmit?
A: Ticks are known transmitters of numerous diseases including Lyme Disease. Which is caused by bacteria called Borrelia burgdorferi and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Which is caused by Rickettsia rickettsii bacteria. Other vector-borne illnesses such as babesiosis, ehrlichiosis, anaplasmosis, Southern Tick-Associated Rash Illness (STARI), Tularemia and Heartland virus. Can also be transmitted through tick contact with humans or animals hosts respectively.
Q: Are there any specific treatments for tick bites?
A: Treatment for tick bites depends upon the type of tick that bit you. Also, how long it has been attached to your skin before being removed. If a deer or lone star tick has been attached for less than 36 hours. Unlikely that it has transmitted any infections. But if it has been longer than this then medical treatment may be recommended. Such as antibiotics for bacterial infections or anti-viral medications for viral infections like Lyme disease. If symptoms begin to manifest themselves. Shortly thereafter including red patches around the bite area accompanied by fever, headache and muscle pain/weakness. Among others depending upon what type of infection was contracted through the bite specifically.
This is just a Few FAQs on Ticks
Prevent Problems with Ticks by Using Pyramid Pest Control
Easiest way to prevent problems with Ticks Rutherford County is by partnering with Pyramid Pest Control. We will work with you and find the best program to solve this problem, in no time. Contact us at 615-663-3908 or Get a free quote.